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Learning Boards for Adult Education

The smart way to reach out to very large audiences!

Learning Boards are advanced training material designed to communicate any educational topic to audiences in large organizations. Within a very short time, a wide range of topics can be trained at a very low threshold. 

Communicating an educational topic to audiences as large as 1000 or more participants who may even be located in multiple places around the world is a logistical and financial challenge. Many large employers therefore use e-learning applications to reach their audiences. While this solves some of the logistical challenges, e-learning also comes at the cost that the interactive level between participants is lost, which is usually essential for a training’s sustainability.

Learning Boards offer an alternative to face-to-face training and e-learning. They are customized training documents for the use in small groups, thus combining the benefits of group interaction and the flexibility of autodidactic learning. The benefits include:
  • Easy facilitation of interactive training-sessions in small groups
  • No trainer needed
  • Low-threshold for participants
  • Customized to corporate identity and organizational culture

Sample pages from the project "Kultur verstehen" ("understanding culture") - developed for the German Armed Forces

We offer the development of Learning Boards in cooperation with our partner CMC.
If you want to know what a Learning Board can do for your institution, please contact us. We will be happy to show you the many options connected with this flexible and effective tool and make a customized proposal.

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Wilmington, DE 19806
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