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Pouring red wine from the bottle into glasses
© K.Decha (AdobeStock #194582033)
Berlin - May 17, 2023

Trends and developments in diversity training

Get-together on the occasion of the 11th German Diversity Day
After a short keynote presentation, we will have an interactive discussion about the current landscape of diversity training. What are the specific challenges? What trends will be important in the coming months and years? How will artificial intelligence impact diversity training? There are many questions. We look forward to a lively exchange!

We will also take this opportunity to introduce our new Diversity Train-the-Trainer Course, which starts on May 31, 2023. Read more about this new course here.

View of London
© engel.ac (AdobeStock #148371714)
London - February 5, 2023

Meet us in London!

March 29-31, 2023, we will be exhibiting at the Excel Center.
At BETT 2023, we look forward to introducing you to our comprehensive professional training program on the topics of intercultural communication and Diversity, Equity & inclusion (DEI). We develop customized training solutions for employers and for educational institutions. For our e-learning platform Diversity Webinars, we will present the new Campus Licensing. Universities and other large organizations can provide easy access to ever-growing learning content for all their constituents. As part of our Train-the-Trainer program, we offer three courses for subject-specific as well as methodological and didactical qualification of trainers.

Find out more:
Berlin - September 26, 2019

European Day of Languages

Celebrating Europe's linguistic diversity

The Council of Europe believes that linguistic diversity is necessary to build intercultural understanding and is central to Europe’s cultural heritage. In line with this belief, the CoE and the European Commission have celebrated and promoted the European Day of Languages since 2001.

The role of multilingualism in intercultural understanding

The ability to speak another language is vital for building intercultural understanding, which is a central element of the European Union’s mission. Therefore, by building awareness of this linguistic diversity, the CoE aims to strengthen the ties that bring us together and overcome intercultural misunderstandings that are exacerbated by limited language ability.
Multilingualism is a core feature of the European Parliament, where all MEPs may speak and receive documentation in the official European Language of their choice. Legislation must also be published in these languages; it is therefore vital to ensure accuracy and consistency among all versions.
Speaking at least one other language is also a vital skill for EU citizens as freedom of movement presents the opportunity to study, live and work in other European countries. Educational exchange programs like Erasmus offer young people the chance to experience life in another country, further breaking down intercultural barriers. Even learning a few words of the language when you go abroad on holiday can have a large impact and can help you to build connections with the people you meet there. Currently, just over half of all Europeans speak two languages and a quarter speak three.

2019: International Year of Indigenous Languages

Although there are 24 official languages in Europe, 225 indigenous languages are spoken (approximately 3% of the world’s total) plus many other non-European languages spoken by people with an immigration background. 2019 is the UN International Year of Indigenous Languages, highlighting the UN’s mission to protect indigenous knowledge and cultures as strategic resources for good governance, peacebuilding, reconciliation, and sustainable development.

Any individual or organization can take part in the European Day of Languages and the CoE encourages everyone to coordinate or attend events. This year, there are approximately 350 events in Western Europe, 175 in Eastern Europe and 50 in Northern Europe, and many more in Asia, Africa and North and South America.
As intercultural trainers, BAMIK naturally promotes multilingual and intercultural interaction. Our experts speak 12 languages, and languages spoken in the office include English, German, Spanish, French, and Japanese. We understand the importance of language in overcoming intercultural communication barriers and work to help people to overcome misunderstandings in personal, academic and professional settings, even when they share a language.

For more information on the European Day of Languages, click here (external link).
For more information on events being held, click here (external link).
For more information on the International Year of Indigenous Languages, click here (external link).

Berlin - September 21, 2019

United Nations International Day of Peace

2019 Theme: Climate Action for Peace

Today marks the 38th International Day of Peace, a UN initiative dedicated to the abolition of war and violence and the promotion of peace between and within nations. BAMIK has chosen this day to launch our blog, which will address recent issues in D&I, intercultural issues, and international events.

The UN first announced that it would hold an International Day of Peace in 1981 and held its inaugural celebration one year later. Each year has a unique theme; recent years have highlighted the right to peace for all, dignity for all and sustainable development goals as building blocks for peace. The theme of the 2019 International Day of Peace is “Climate Action for Peace.” As global climate change continues, many world regions face increased instability as extreme weather events affect public health in numerous ways. This leads to increased migration and competition for resources.

Climate change and migration

Climate change is therefore a driver of migration and conflict, especially in regions in which vital resources are especially scarce. In the last 20 years, climate events and related disasters have increased in frequency and severity; approximately 1.3 million people have died and the global economy has lost $3 trillion as a result. In 2018 alone, 17.2 million people were displaced by natural disasters such as hurricanes, cyclones and flooding; many are unable to return home.
The UN recommends addressing climate change by cutting greenhouse emissions, improving resilience and improving education on climate change. Through these actions, the impact of climate change can be minimized and the likelihood of displacement and conflict averted. This recommendation is one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, which form the backbone of its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The UN set these goals in 2015 in a range of areas including poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice.

The UN’s current focus is therefore on mitigating further climate migration rather than expanding the definition of refugees or creating a specific legal status for climate migrants. This places climate migrants in a vulnerable position when migrating across, though as the UN notes, the majority of migration is within countries rather than cross-border. However, it seems reasonable to expect that if extreme weather events increase in frequency and severity, migration across longer distances and across borders will increase. This raises multiple challenges, not least from an intercultural perspective.

BAMIK's commitment

As a consultancy and training provider in intercultural communication, BAMIK regularly works with refugees who have come to Germany to escape conflict and find safety. We work both to help these people settle into their new surroundings and help local communities and organizations adapt to new neighbors, colleagues or employees. Climate migrants may face new challenges in adapting because of their unique legal and economic status. The need for mediation and intercultural communication skills may therefore grow in response to the new challenges posed by this increased instability and migration.
Future trends in migration depend on the UN’s success in limiting climate change and mitigating the effects of climate events and climate-based conflict. Its promotion of the International Day of Peace is just one element in its strategy to achieve its ambitions by 2030.
For more information on the 2019 International Day of Peace, click here (external link).
For more information on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, click here (external link).

Stuart Reid (PRTR), Pattama Wisetsutthichai (Boehringer Ingelheim), Wolfgang Jockusch (BAMIK), Waranon Vanichprapa (Baker & McKenzie) and Jean-Francois Brun (Accor / SO Sofitel) discussed the state of play if D&I in Thailand
© Courtesy of German-Thai Chamber of Commerce
Bangkok - June 25, 2019

D&I Panel Discussion in Bangkok

Special event on the occasion of Pride Month

Diversity & Inclusion is a global topic. To celebrate Pride Month, the German-Thai Chamber of Commerce invited guests from the business community in Bangkok to discuss diversity in Thailand. BAMIK's director Wolfgang Jockusch facilitated the panel discussion at the SO Sofitel. The panelists represented a broad spectrum of sectors and international perspectives.

Waranon Vanichprapa, a lawyer with Baker & McKenzie, provided a legal overview of current anti-discrimination legislation in Thailand. While the Gender Equality Act is already in place, the current challenges lie in applying and enforcing the law.

As in other parts of the world, legal aspects create more of an extrinsic motivation to engage in D&I, whereas businesses are increasingly discovering for themselves the opportunies of a diverse workforce. Stuart Reid, who works in executive search for one of Thailand's leading recuitment agencies (PRTR), observes an increasing awareness of D&I in the recruitment process. However, this is a gradual process and differences exist between international companies operating in Thailand and local Thai companies.

The German pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim is one such international company. Their chief human resource officer for Thailand, Pattama Wisetsutthichai, shared the company's approach. While one focus is to promote female leadership, they also aim to be holistic and embrace all areas of diversity in ther organziational culture. D&I has also become a permanent part of their leadership development.

The event was hosted at the SO Sofitel. General Manager Jean-Francois Brun observes that applying the Accor group's diversity principles is relatively easy in Thailand. While the French hotel chain addresses many issues of diversity in its RIISE program, it seems that Thai culture is already more inclusive. It is important, though, that the leadership of any organization leads the way to embrace all people regardless of their background.

Berlin - November 16, 2018

EXPOLINGUA 2018 in Berlin

Berlin exhibition dedicated to languages and cultures
View of the Expolingua exhibition in Berlin
For over 30 years, EXPOLINGUA has been the most diverse forum for languages and cultures in the German capital. At booth B51 BAMIK presents its intercultural train-the-trainer course and informs about the current situation of intercultural human resources development.
Bangkok - October 12, 2018

WorldDidac Asia 2018 in Bangkok

Successful display at South-East Asia's largest trade fair for the educational sector

South-East Asia is also a growing market in the educational sector. Since 2016, BAMIK is engaged in Thailand. Now we presented two new, international training programs at the WorldDidac Asia in Bangkok.

The International Leadership Development Program (ILDP) is a training program for leaders offered in English language. Companies can send their (prospective) leaders to be trained in a flexible modular system on three levels (supervisory, management, and executive). What makes this program unique is its international focus.

The Global Business Trainer Academy is a new Train-the-Trainer program, also offered in English. With a scope of 220 units of classroom instruction, it meets the criteria for certification set my the German trainer associations. 

Visitors of the booth at the WorldDidac Asia also had the opportunity to test the intercultural learning game "Journey to Germany" in Thai language. BAMIK developed this game for Thai school children on the occasion of the National Science & Technology Fair in Bangkok in 2018.

Bangkok - September 28, 2018

Bangkok is the world's top destination!

Thailand's capital is again the most popular destination in Mastercard's ranking

Every year, the Mastercard Global Destination Cities Index identifies the most popular travel destinations. Of 162 cities globally, Bangkok once again took first place with over 20 million visitors. Is it any surprise that BAMIK is always happy to be there?

Mastercard's index measures the number of travelers and the turnover they create at the destination. Data come not only from Mastercard sales, but also external sources. In 2017, 20.05 million visitors stayed for an average 4.7 days and spent $173 per day. London was the second-most visited city, with 19.83 million visitors.

The detailed report can be found on the Mastercard website. BAMIK has been involved in Bangkok since 2016 and runs its Intercultural Train-the-Trainer Course there each year.
Bangkok - August 20, 2018

One million children visiting the National Science & Technology Fair 2018 in Bangkok

BAMIK contributed an intercultural learning game about sustainability

On the occasion of the National Science & Technology Fair, BAMIK supported the German Embassy in Bangkok with a custom-made intercultural learning game. The event attracted about one million children from all over Thailand.

The National Science & Technology Fair (NSTF) is an annual event sponsored by the government of Thailand. Children of all ages are invited to explore the world of science in a gigantic show. The event not only seeks to raise children's interest in science and education, but also informs about water, waste and other environmental issues. The entire show was used to communicate the United Nation's sustainability goals to the young target audience.

The German Embassy in Bangkok supported the NSTF with their own display of environment friendly technology in Germany. Children were invited to test and experiment in various stations. BAMIK contributed a custom-made learning game in which children had the opportunity to learn more about Germany, its technological history as well as education and sustainability.

The design of learning games for various purposes and audiences is part of BAMIK's educational resources service line which also includes curriculum development or the editing of training material.

Berlin - August 4, 2018

Summer Academy 2018 in Berlin (Review)

The Intercultural Train-the-Trainer Course in English was fully booked.

BAMIK welcomed participants from around the world to its third Summer Academy to the Intercultural Train-the-trainer course. Hot temperatures transformed the intensive course to a Garden Academy.

Our 2018 Summer Academy to the Intercultural Train-the-trainer Course in Berlin was fully booked with participants coming all the way from Brazil, Qatar, the Netherlands and Poland. It was by far the hottest event that BAMIK has ever hosted with temperatures as high as 38°C. The group therefore enjoyed the cooling environment of this year's very special venue. We moved the course to Stadtkloster Segen, a small monastery community in the center of Berlin. The green lawn of the church garden was a welcome alternative to the normal class room environment.

The Summer Academy is hosted every year by BAMIK in Berlin. In just two weeks, we conduct all four modules of our Intercultural Train-the-trainer Course. With English as the course language, this event is particularly interesting for participants from around the world who combine the compact and intensive course with the many leisure options that Berlin has to offer in the Summer.


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