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International Leadership Development Program

Preparing future leaders around the world

Our training program for prospective and experienced leaders takes a unique global perspective and links practical leadership skills with two of our core values - sustainability and cultural awareness.

Coloures-Pic (Fotolia #48529078)
Our International Leadership Development Program (ILDP) unites young and experienced leaders from around the world in a truly unique leadership course. The modular program prepares participants for their leadership positions on three levels. Offering the same curriculum on three continents, we provide the next generation of leaders with all the skills they need to think globally and act locally.

BAMIK’s ILDP is arranged in three levels: supervisory, management, and executive. Each level comprises 5-6 modules of 1.5 days each. Upon completion of all modules of one level, participants will earn a certificate. The modular structure offers maximum flexibility regarding time, sequence, and location of modules.

The program is open to participants from private and public enterprises of all sizes. Smaller and medium sized enterprises, which may not have their own leadership development programs, will especially benefit from our ILDP as it provides a full-scale global training program. Group arrangements and in-company solutions are available for companies with larger needs.

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+49 (30) 762 392 000

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