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Program Quality

BAMIK’s International Leadership Development Program is rooted in our extensive experience and formulated through our training expertise. We combine our certified quality standards with our practical experience and academic background to provide training that provides valuable, practical solutions to real-world situations.

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Our experts combine expertise in leadership, project management, HR management, diversity management, conflict resolution, and sustainability with our proven track record in providing successful training. Because BAMIK trainers are also practitioners, they understand the problems that global leaders face and apply the latest academic research to ensure that participants develop management techniques that are effective no matter their level of employment.

In Germany, BAMIK is certified as an educational institution pursu­ant to strict DVWO* quality guidelines. The International Leadership Develop­ment Program is therefore designed in full compliance with these high standards. BAMIK’s quality management system is based on ISO 9001:2015.

* DVWO: Dachverband der Weiterbil­dungs­organi­sa­tio­nen e.V., the governing body of adult education organizations in Germany.

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1 (650) 731-3183

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